This state-of -the- art, first of its kind in the nation unit, was available for touring at the Knights of Columbus PA State Convention held in Cranberry Twp., Pennsylvania, on Saturday May 16, 2015, where it was blessed by Diocese of Pittsburgh Bishop, David A. Zubik. Also present for the blessing was Archbishop Stefan Soroka, Archbishop of the Ukranian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia.
It was the dedicated hard work of many, many Knights that made the purchase of such a new, sophisticated machine possible. As in every ultrasound machine purchased, the Knights sponsor many fundraisers, collect the funds and then the Supreme Council matches up to a set amount. What an inspiration these joyful men unselfishly serve the Church- from Esquires to the State Deputy, the many members of the K of C exemplify Christ in His Mystical Body because of their deep appreciation for the gift of every human life.
It was an honor to work with the PA Knights of Columbus to make it possible to arrange for Pat Polachek and Bernadette Conklin to gift Lori Szala, Executive Director of Women's Mobile + Clinic, the framed Icon of
The Virgin Mary of Nazareth, Ark of The New Covenant, Throne of The Divine Mercy Incarnate, as well as
Vessel of The Preborn Jesus.
The evening ended with Pat and Bernadette addressing the nearly 800 attendees at the PA K of C Convention with proposals to work with the K of C through several initiatives for Family Eucharistic Holy Hours, use of the Jesus-The Divine Mercy Cookbook/Prayer Book (, and presenting the icons to ultrasound machine recipients.