On Monday, May 18, 2015, Sister Jean and Pat joined Holy Trinity School ("HTS") students, faculty, Pastor, Rev. Kenneth R. Keene, and Deacon, Tim M. Killmeyer, for Mass before beginning the "Family Eucharist Holy Hour" (“FEHH”) presentations throughout the classes.
Mrs. Kimberly Stevenson, Principal, and Mrs. Darci Smith, 7th and 8th Grade Teacher and Coordinator, assisted in making our presentation and visit to HTS a memorable one! The students were most helpful, especially our four student “assistants” from 7th and 8th grade!
The 325 students, K thru 8, exemplified the courteous, kind and mature values of Catholic education. They were eager and responsive in learning about the message of "The Divine Mercy."
Sister Jean and Pat's presentation prepared the students for a better understanding of the following day’s FEHH. Their presentation consisted of: The EWTN "Divine Mercy for Kids" video (shown and discussed), the Renna's instructional videos of "The Chaplet," "Jesus, I Trust in You" and JTDMF Theme Song, "Jesus, Friend of Children."
Pat discussed the upcoming Jubilee Year of Mercy and explained the icon of "Jesus The Divine Mercy," Mary as "Ark of The New Covenant," with mercy and grace coming from God through Jesus and Mary, Ark upon the whole world. Sister Jean explained the history of Ven. Archbishop Fulton Sheen's "World Mission Rosary."
God was unfolding His providential plan and a unique “bonding in the faith” occurred this day.
Everyone is looking forward to the 1st official FEHH the following day!